Prospector Celebrates 20 Years!
Prospector is 20 years old this month, August 2019. Originally developed as a regional union catalog for many of the major academic and public libraries in Colorado and Wyoming, today Prospector includes over 50 public and academic libraries and is the premier resource for sharing materials between libraries. Over the last decade Prospector has increased substantially. Close to half a million items are lent through Prospector on an annual basis and the catalog is home to over 30 million items including books, CDs, audio and electronic books and more.
Bemis Public Library Joins Prospector
Bemis Public Library in Littleton is the newest member to Prospector. Bemis has about 196,000 items including books, CDs, DVDs, digital resources and other materials. They have materials in foreign languages including Spanish, Russian and Vietnamese, and a small number of books in Braille. Bemis serves a diverse population from infants, teenagers, immigrants and the visually impaired. We are thrilled with this latest addition to Prospector.
Campus ID login currently not working on Prospector Request Form
The campus ID login on the Prospector Request form is currently not working for card holders from CU-Boulder, UNC, UCCS and the University of Wyoming. For now please use the standard library login on the right hand side of the screen. Thanks for your patience while we investigate the problem with the campus login.
Prospector Unavailable to Denver Public Library Customers-Weekend
Prospector will be unavailable to DPL card holders from 5:30pm December 8-December 9 at 9am while they perform a system upgrade on their local catalog. This system upgrade only affects DPL card holders. All other library patrons will continue to have access to Prospector over the weekend.
Prospector Team
Prospector Encore Search Fully Restored
Encore search has been fully restored. Please let us know if you encounter any problems with searching Encore:
Prospector Team
Prospector Encore Search Issues
We are experiencing issues with the search functionality in Encore. Some searches yield no search results when they should. For consistent and accurate search results, please use Prospector Classic . This option supports all types of search including advanced searches. Thanks for your patience while we resolve the problem with Encore.
Prospector Team
Prospector and all Alliance services unavailable July 16-18
Prospector will be unavailable July 16-18th while we move our data center. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience but hope to have Prospector all of our services completely restored on Thursday, July 19th.
Prospector Team
Classic Prospector Catalog Updated
March 19, 2018
The Classic Prospector, catalog has been updated to better match the color palette of Prospector Encore. All of the same functionality still exists, you will just notice a more integrated experience flowing from the WebPac to Encore version of the catalog, particularly when requesting items. The changes which are all cosmetic include the following:
Prospector Down Briefly for Update on February 28th
Prospector Encore and the Classic version will be unavailable for up to an hour starting at 7am on February 28th while a system update is installed. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience.
Health Sciences Library (Anschutz Medical Campus) Available in Prospector
The Health Sciences Library (Anschutz Medical Campus) is once again available in Prospector. Card holders from this library can now request items through Prospector. The Health Sciences Library collection will be added back to Prospector and available to request over some time. The library was temporarily unavailable in Prospector while undergoing a system migration. That work is now done and we are pleased to have them rejoin Prospector.