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Clearview Library District Joins Prospector

We are pleased to announce that Clearview Library District has joined Prospector. The Clearview Library District located in Windsor, CO serves more than 25,000 residents of West Greeley, Severance and the town of Windsor. The library lends a variety of materials including books, magazines, movies, music and more. They also provide programs and events at the library including STEAM education for grade school kids, an inclusive space for teens and continuing education for adults.

United States Air Force Academy to Join Prospector Week of Nov 23, 2020

We are pleased to announce that the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) will be joining Prospector early this week. USAFA was originally founded in 1947 after much growth in the nation's military aviation service. In 1955 the first 306 male cadets where signed in at a temporary military base at Lowry Air Force Base in Denver, Colorado. On June 28, 1976, USAFA welcomed it's first class of 157 female cadets. The original cadet population at the Academy was 2,529. However, in 1964 President Lyndon B.

Englewood Public Library Joins Prospector

We are pleased to announce that Englewood Public Library has joined Prospector through the Marmot Library Network Englewood, a part of the Denver Metro area, has a population of about 35,000 people and has the third highest concentration of millennials in the state. It's a full-service community that serves as a transportation hub with two light rail stops on the Denver regional passenger rail system and complete bus service.

Some E-Resources still Available through Prospector

Due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic most libraries in Colorado are closed and the statewide courier is currently shutdown. As a result, we have turned off borrowing and lending through Prospector for all physical items. Some libraries still allow requesting of e-resources, which mainly includes Springer and Elsevier ebooks and streaming videos from Swank and Films on Demand. In those cases we have restored borrowing privileges for electronic resources only.

Prospector Celebrates 20 Years!

Prospector is 20 years old this month, August 2019. Originally developed as a regional union catalog for many of the major academic and public libraries in Colorado and Wyoming, today Prospector includes over 50 public and academic libraries and is the premier resource for sharing materials between libraries. Over the last decade Prospector has increased substantially. Close to half a million items are lent through Prospector on an annual basis and the catalog is home to over 30 million items including books, CDs, audio and electronic books and more.