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Prospector Help and Tips
Accessing your library account
Once you find an "available" item you would like to request through Prospector, you will be prompted to enter your name and local library card number. If you are in good standing at your home library, the request will be approved.
View Prospector requests on my account
In most cases Prospector requests will show up under your local library account. However, some libraries use different software for their local catalog than Prospector. Patrons from the following libraries:
- Anythink Library
- Colorado School of Mines
- CSU Fort Collins and Pueblo
- Douglas County Libraries
- Health Sciences Library (Anschutz)
- United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)
- University of Denver
can view Prospector requests from here:
What can be requested through Prospector?
Items with a status of “available”, can be requested through Prospector. In some cases, you can place a request on an item that is currently checked out or has existing holds. This will depend on the lending library's local catalog software and policies.
Requesting an Item
To place a request, simply click on the "Request It” link. The system will present you with a list of participating libraries; select your home library. Enter your name and your library card/account number. (Some libraries will also require you to enter your PIN number.) If your library offers multiple pickup locations, you will also need to select one from the list. Click on "Submit" and the request is placed.
Restrictions on requesting
If your library has an available copy of an item, you can’t place a request on it through Prospector. Go to your local library catalog to place the request. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but most libraries only allow you to place a Prospector request if all local copies are checked out or they don’t own the item.
You cannot request an item through Prospector if your library card is blocked at your local library, so be sure that you are in good standing with your local library
Requesting Multiple Books at One Time
Materials on Prospector must be ordered one at a time; there isn't a method to put books in a "shopping cart" and request them all at once.
Receiving items through Prospector
Most local libraries will notify you by email or phone that your book has arrived. It typically takes 2-5 days to receive an item depending on where it is coming from.
Electronic resources in Prospector
Most publishers and vendors license agreements restrict libraries from lending electronic resources (ebooks, audiobooks and streaming videos) through Prospector. There are some exceptions. Springer Publishing and Elsevier allow access to their e-resources through Prospector. There are also several open access documents such as government publications that are freely available through Prospector. If an e-resource has a "Request It" option next to it, it's requestable. In all other cases it is not requestable.
Local Use Only
Items with a status of "local use only" cannot be requested through Prospector.
Prospector Lending Policy
There are some exceptions, but most items in Prospector are loaned to you with the following policies:
- 21 day loan period for books with the option to renew once
- 7 day checkout period on most DVDs, and audio CDs-no renewal
- Up to 70 requests/check-outs per person (your local library may have more restrictive limits)
- Overdue fines and lost item fees will be the same as at your local library (the library whose card you used to check-out the item)
- If all copies of materials are checked-out a hold may be placed although books may not be recalled
- Springer ebooks are requestable through Prospector and have the same checkout period as print books. They are downloadable as PDF files.
Cancelling a Request
Login to your local library account to cancel Prospector requests. If a request shows “in transit” you won’t be able to cancel the request. Once the item shows “ready to pick up” you can contact your local library to cancel the request.
Searching Prospector
You may enter in a subject, title, author, ISBN or keyword, anything at all, really. After a search is completed, you can use the facets on the left hand side under "Refine by:" to further narrow down your search. Facets include:
- Format
- Collection
- Language
- Place
- Publication Date
Classic Catalog
Encore supports most search types. However, use the Classic interface to search for medical call #’s (PubMed IDs), OCLC numbers, government publication call numbers,LC call numbers and Dewey Decimal call numbers.
See for more help with search.
Large Print
To find large print books in Prospector, keyword search (large type books) or (large print) You can also add other words to the search: shakespeare large print.
Search Tips
- Prospector is not case-sensitive. (E.g., a search for "Maya Angelou" is the same as a search for "maya angelou".)
- You can omit most punctuation. (E.g., a search for "Handmaids Tale" is the same as a search for "Handmaid’s Tale".)
- Numbers may need to be spelled out.
- In Classic Prospector, if you are unsuccessful using the phrase searches (title, author, series title, the various types of subject searches), try entering your terms as a keyword search.