We are excited to announce a new one year pilot project to lend streaming video resources through Prospector to Colorado and Wyoming library card holders. The pilot, Streaming Interlibrary Loan Video Resources (SILLVR) is a collaborative initiative between the Auraria Library, Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries , InfoBase-Films On Demand , and Swank Digital Campus. Swank videos are only available for request by academic library patrons due to license agreement restrictions. FOD content is available to all Colorado and Wyoming card holders. Over the next month University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, the University of Wyoming and Denver University will join Auraria as lenders in this pilot.
These items will appear in Prospector through a standard search. You can also add “SILLVR” without the quotes to any search to limit to SILLVR items. Currently only Auraria is lending these items but by the end of January other partner libraries will lend their streaming videos so more of these items will have an “available” status in Prospector.
You can request SILLVR items just like any other item. Here’s a short clip
of the requesting process. When the item is ready, you will receive an email notification from your library with a link to the digital file. You will have 21 days to view this content. After 21 days, the link will expire and the content will no longer be accessible. Renewals are not permitted. If you need the resource again, you can place another request for it with the option to view it for 21 days.
A large thank you goes to all the partner libraries in this project-Auraria Library, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Denver University and the University of Wyoming as well as vendors Infobase (Films on Demand and Swank Digital Campus who have agreed to lend these items through Prospector. This is a cutting edge pilot-the first that we know of-for lending streaming video through a union catalog.