Prospector News

Douglas County Libraries currently unavailable in Prospector

Douglas County Libraries have been experiencing some network connectivity issues. As a result, their items aren't requestable in Prospector and borrowing has also been suspended. If you are a patron of DCL, please contact your local library to request items through traditional interlibrary loan, outside of Prospector. Email:

Last Day to Request MOBIUS Items-January 12, 2024

MOBIUS is moving to a new system for their catalog which isn't compatible with the Prospector. All borrowing and lending between the two systems will cease on January 12, 2024. After this time, the link to MOBIUS will be removed from the Prospector catalog. After January 12th, if you aren't able to find an item in Prospector, you will need to contact your local library and order it through traditional interlibrary loan outside of Prospector. You can still request items from MOBIUS and have them for the full loan period until January 12th.
