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Prospector News

Borrowing Restored for Colorado State University

Published August 28, 2017

We are pleased to announce that all library card holders from Colorado State University Fort Collins and Pueblo can once again borrow items through Prospector. CSU was out of Prospector for the last several months as they changed their local library catalog software and had to be reconfigured to work with Prospector. This work has been done and CSU patrons have started to borrow items through Prospector. Over the next few weeks, CSU materials will be added back to Prospector and requestable to other library card holders.

Prospector Available to Denver Public Library Patrons

Published: November 30, 2016

Prospector is once again available to Denver Public Library customers. Requests will immediately display in the Denver Public Library customer’s account in “Active” status. The status will change to “Shipped” when the item is on its way to Denver Public Library and to “Received” when the item is ready for pick up. Over the next few weeks, DPL items will be loaded into Prospector and available for other library patrons to borrow.