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Prospector News

March 19, 2018

The Classic Prospector, catalog has been updated to better match the color palette of Prospector Encore. All of the same functionality still exists, you will just notice a more integrated experience flowing from the WebPac to Encore version of the catalog, particularly when requesting items. The changes which are all cosmetic include the following:

• Copy information (up to 3 libraries) now displays on the brief record results screen.
• Request button is right underneath the item on brief record display
• Click on item to expand to full record. In the former WebPac, you had to click on a separate link
• Instead of Save Marked Records the language is slightly different “Save all on page”. It is the exact same functionality, which is to save a set of records or all records on the page. You can then export these records. Also, the word saved is removed from each holding, but the checkbox remains. This makes for a cleaner display.
• Call numbers now display on brief record screen.

We hope the updated WebPac will provide a more consistent view between WebPac and Encore. Please let us know if you have any questions or encounter any difficulties with the updated interface.

The Prospector Team