The Prospector system has expanded its program for lending streaming videos. In the past, patrons could only borrow videos if they were in a physical format (such as DVDs which are still available) but arrangements have been made with various distributors to lend streaming videos through our SILLVR program (Streaming InterLibrary Loan for Video Resources)
Alexander Street is now allowing videos to be lent by libraries that subscribe to their Academic Videos Online (AVON) service. These videos may be lent to patrons from both academic and public libraries. When you come across a streaming video that is lendable, just hit the “Request It” button and you can place an order just like for a physical book or DVD. Within a few of days, the lending library will send a link to your home library with a login so that you can view the video online. Your home library will send you the link for viewing anytime within a 3-week window.
To see a listing of newly available videos search “alexander street sillvr” in Prospector and a list of available titles will be displayed. Give it a try at: